Strategic Initiatives


Guiana, meaning 'land of many waters', was named after the indigenous peoples who were the first settlers. Currently renamed the Republic of Guyana, it is located in the northeastern corner of South America and is the only English-speaking country on this continent. Guyana is considered a burgeoning country with consistent yearly GDP growth.

As the country's economic trajectory is realized, so is the need to provide health care that meets international standards. Over the last few years, we have carefully explored the opportunity to establish a state-of-the-art hospital in Guyana. Our main location is planned for the capital city of Georgetown, where most of the population is concentrated.

We have developed our plan to offer a wide spectrum of medical services, including but not limited to: oncology, nephrology, endocrinology, internal medicine, geriatric medicine, neurology, occupational medicine, ophthalmology, orthopaedic surgery, physical medicine and rehabilitation, psychiatry, allergies and immunology, hepatology, and emergency care.


Mexico's beaches, complimented by warmer weather and an exceptional service industry, make it a haven for visitors and a place of continuous growth for anyone seeking medical services. With plans to meet the growing medical needs of the visiting and expatiate communities, we will create an environment that is conducive to recovery while enjoying all that Mexico has to offer.

United States

Recent studies by the Commonwealth Fund show Florida's state health performance ranks 41st of the 50 states. However, the average life expectancy sits at 15th in the nation and averages 79.6 years. To mitigate these risk factors, our approach is to support Floridians by providing quality health services, nutritional counselling and taking on the top causes of early death as named by the Centre for Disease Control.

Olivine Health Group

Quality Healthcare for All